The Performance screen provides a snapshot of a project's progress. It shows a visual overview of hours worked for both basic and additional services. A bar chart compares the hours worked to date with the budgeted hours and hours over budget. The chart also details a project's cost and billed amounts by services provided.
In addition, you can get a quick view of the project's cost, earning and profitability as of the current date. These values can be viewed using either the accrual or cash accounting method.
Project No.
This field displays the project number.
Project Name
This field displays the project name.
Billing Client
This field displays the name of the project's Billing Client - the contact that receives the invoices. Click this field's label to select a different client to assign to this project.
Total Cost to date
This field displays the total project labor and expenses to date.
This amount is greater than the Cost to Date amount in the Services chart because it factors in the employee cost. It includes all employee hours on the project multiplied by the cost rate for that employee. This value also includes any non-reimbursed costs on the project.
Total Payments Received/Total Net Billings + Markup to date
These fields display the project's generated income to date. The Total Payments Received field displays when the Cash view is selected. It is the total for all payments that the client has applied to the project. The Total Net Billings + Markup to Date field displays when the Accrual view is selected. This value is the total for all basic and additional services as well as the markup that was applied for reimbursable expenses. It also takes into account any adjustments that might have been applied to the invoice.
Total Cash/Total Accrual Profit to date
This field displays the amount of profit recorded for a project to date. The field label varies based on the selected view type (that is, accrual or cash). The value in this field is:
Cash Method: Total Cash Profit to Date = Total Payment Received - Total Cost To Date
Accrual Method: Total Net Billing + Markup to Date = Total Payment Received - Total Cost To Date
The ratio of cost to earnings displays in this field. For firm's using the cash method, the value is based on the following:
Cash Method: Profit = Total Cash Profit to Date/Total Payment Received
Accrual Method: Profit = Total Accrued Profit to Date/Total Net Billing + Markup to Date
Regardless of the selected view (that is, accrual or cash), the values are always calculated in the same order.
Choose Accrual or Cash to view cost, income and profit values based on the accounting method used by your firm.
Basic/Additional Services Grid
This grid provides a bar chart showing progress being made for all project services, basic and additional. Choose Basic Services or Additional Services to change the service detail displayed in the grid. You can view the hours served to day, budgeted hours and hours over budget. In addition, the grid also displays the Cost to Date, Billed to Date and Total to be Billed for each service.
Click this button to update the data displayed on the Performance screen.
Button Panel
Search :
Use this search field to locate projects quickly. The field's predictive search instantly display results as you type in this field.
Active Only:
Mark this check box to search the active projects only.
Click to display the previous project record.
Click to display the next project record.
Opens the ArchiOffice Help in the Projects section.
Select to create a new project.
Select to duplicate an active project record.
Select to delete a project. This is a secure privilege available only when specifically allowed in the Preferences screen.
My List:
Select to view projects assigned to you.
Select to view a list of all projects.
Use this option to locate projects matching specific criteria, with the resulting Found Set displayed in the List View.
Select to return to the last Find criteria so you can modify the requests before executing the search.