The Users - Defaults preferences are used to set default values for new user accounts. Setting these values will save some entry when creating new users.
Use Skype:
Select this check box to use the Skype option in the Users - Other Options preferences for a new user.
Charge Rate:
Enter the value to use as the default billing rate for new employees. This value displays in the Charge Rate field in the Users - Time/Expense preferences for new users.
Cost Rate:
Enter the value to use as the default cost rate for new employees. This value displays in the Cost Rate field in the Users - Time/Expense preferences for new users.
Cost Rate Multiplier:
Enter the value to be used as the default cost rate multiplier for a new employee. This value displays in the Cost Rate Multiplier field on the Preferences > Users > Time/Expense screen for new users.
DPE Salary:
This value is the default DPE (Direct Personnel Expense) Salary rate for new employees. This value displays in the DPE Salary field in the Users - Time/Expense preferences for new users.
DSE Salary:
This value is the default DSE (Direct Salary Expense) Salary rate for new employees. This value displays in the DSE Salary field in the Users - Time/Expense preferences for new users.
Show Patch Update Message To:
Use this drop-down list to determine which users can view the update notifications that display on the ArchiOffice login page when an update is available. You can allow all users to see the notification or only selected users.
Time prior to event:
For the scheduled events, ArchiOffice can notify you about them in the form of alerts that appear at the bottom-right of the screen upon login. Here, you can set a fixed amount of time prior to an event that enables the system to pop up a reminder accordingly. By default, it is set to 15 minutes but can be changed.
Turn off notifications:
You can choose not to get notifications prior to the scheduled events by checking this option.
Button Panel
Stores your settings.
Opens the ArchiOffice Help in the Preferences section.